
To be reviewed at year end or as required.

The safety policy of Espiritu Latino(EL) is to ensure the health, safety and well being at work, of every student, contractor, voluntary worker, visitor and the public in general, in so far as is reasonably practicable.   EL is committed to providing and maintaining a safe place of work, safe systems of work, safe equipment and safe methods, in so far as is reasonably practicable, and in accordance with relevant legislation. Everyone must accept that any form of dancing or exercise comes with some inherent risks of injury but EL will work to keep these to the bare minimum.

EL is committed to the promotion of the health and safety.   We will Endeavour to:           * Comply with statutory legislation and codes of practice relating to health, safety and welfare at work. * Ensure that all students are adequately, informed and trained to attend the classes in a safe manner. * Ensure that all contractors, voluntary workers are made aware of their duty to co-operate with this policy. * Ensure that this policy is reviewed on a regular basis and that relevant amendments are brought to the attention of every student, contractor, voluntary worker, visitor   .

Responsibilities The establishment and maintenance of high standards for Health and Safety is a practical expression of concern, not only for ourselves but also for all those with whom we come into contact at our place of work or study. It is, therefore, a matter for all of us. We are all responsible for safety. Without the ready co-operation of all users of the facilities, the intent of the Health and Safety at Work Act will not be achieved.

Head of EL (Jenny Harvey)   I ultimately carry the responsibility for running the school efficiently and safely. However, I clearly cannot do this alone.

My responsibilities include:- * Risk assessment. Sound and display equipment and related cables and stands. * Informing the students of the location of site specific safety documents and the major site specific safety rules and procedures (examples:- Fire, Accident, first aid, local hazards). * Flagging up safety issues with the venue manager   .

Teacher: The teaching of students to dance in a safe manner is delegated to the teacher and must be one of their areas of expertise and teaching. Responsibilities include:- * Follow the same rules as the students except minimise going behind sound equipment to as little as possible. * Aiding the head of EL in health and safety issues during the class. * Keep up to date with all health and safety issues relevant to teaching students for Latin dance. * Safe dance techniques, safe footwear and regulation of overall exertion levels of students. * Make the head of EL aware of any health and safety issues, injuries or accidents on the same day of the issue. * Regulate the overall exertion level of the students.

Students  are required to:- * Follow all safety guidance from EL and venue staff. * Familiarise themselves with the venues safety documents and procedures. * Wear flat comfortable shoes with non slip soles. * Not go on any raised stage, platform or steps without EL teacher direction and being present. * Consult and follow their doctors advice regarding the suitability of these classes for their fitness levels, health issues or concerns. * Stay well in front of the sound and display equipment at all times. * Regulate their exertion levels with regards to fitness and use EL’s policy of “Time out anytime”. * Make Jenny Harvey or the teacher aware of any health, disabilities or health and safety issues. * Fill in the venue accident book for any injuries or accidents and make Jenny Harvey or the teacher aware on the day of the issue.